"The final reason why the importance of ideology in fascism must be denied is the fact that it exists in more than one form. In fact, historically it has proved to have three different faces.
One “out of power" that tends almost to be revolutionary and subversive, anticapitalist and antisocialist.
One "in power but not secure”* — this is the sensational aspect of fascism that we see on screen and read of in pulp novels, when the ruling class, through its instrumental regime, is able to suppress the vanguard party of the people’s and workers’ movement.
The third face of fascism exists when it is “in power and securely so.” During this phase some dissent may even be allowed."
-George L. Jackson — Blood In My Eye: Classes At War (source)
As the hot war in Ukraine escalates and the world order transitions away from unipolar domination, two opposing sides have emerged in the US political terrain regarding amerikan foreign policy. The "opposing sides" are the "Atlanticists” vs. the "Isolationists". At the beginning of this investigation we thought that the ideological distinction between these groups reflected a material internal struggle for power; however, as we investigated, our conclusions changed. The distinction between these groups is ultimately irrelevant.
In the United States, all roads lead to Rome: every vector of amerikan politics at the present moment points towards the maintenance of the fascist, imperialist occupation government and its parasitic relationship with the rest of the world. This series will attempt to map the current terrain of internationalist politics in the United States.
All political movements inside the United States are aligned with its fascism and global imperialism, regardless of the ideologies they espouse. The relatively small groups which claim opposition to imperialism are controlled opposition tied to monopoly capital and/or United States intelligence agencies.1 The 'movements' they represent are powerless by design.
It is not an exaggeration to say that, at present, there exists no above-ground US-based organizations whose practices and class interests genuinely oppose the United States and its unipolar, imperialist domination. If any such organizations exist, they are tiny and are far below ground.
We know this because there is no substantive resistance inside the core against United States hybrid warfare (e.g., sanctions) against Cuba, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, or any other of the dozens of countries on the US’s shitlist. There are no strategies being formulated and enacted to put an end to the US occupation of Syria and Iraq; or the blockade of Yemen; or the proxy-occupation of Haiti; or the pumping of weapons into Taiwan province and Ukraine. Genuine opposition requires politico-military strategy and material action. There is no mass movement inside the US of any kind taking material action against US hegemony.
The crucial thing to understand about this article is that the United States is the most advanced form of fascism on the planet. Every amerikan has been subjected to the most advanced forms of psyop and fascist technologies that the United States government has at its disposal.2 In other countries, especially those that oppose the empire, governments must dedicate enormous resources to defend against US/imperialist information warfare and psychological warfare.3 It is almost impossible to combat this form of warfare inside the United States, where all forms of community assistance are funneled through imperialist “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs), and where there are no alternative communications or media infrastructure whatsoever.
Amerikan political consciousness is held so completely captive by the neo-colonial psyops and hybrid counterinsurgency program that there is currently no means for exploited and oppressed people to organize a politico-military strategy, even as conditions for many reach crisis proportions.
This is not a statement to imply, "oh, pity these amerikans and their sad plight", but simply to see things for how they are right now and to not get misdirected by false internationalists and CIA assets who insist otherwise.
Importantly, for readers and friends in other countries: there is no substantive support for you from amerikans or any amerikan political movements, from reactionaries to communists. You cannot rely on people in the US to challenge their government’s extreme violence inflicted on the world. Factor that into your decision-making calculus.
For our readers and friends inside the imperial core, specifically the United States: do not lose hope. Countries around the planet are rapidly moving to cast off the chains of imperialist domination and build national & social self-determination. In all likelihood, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (ALBA) and the Quds Axis (AKA Axis of Resistance) will drag the amerikan left — kicking and screaming, repeating psyops — into the multipolar world. However, there are still things to be done…
The Atlanticists
Following the second World War, the US set out dominate all global interactions based on an ideology of liberalism and a military alliance based on Atlanticism. “Atlanticism is the belief in a close relationship between Western Europe and the United States.”4 Atlanticism is the core of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): all the remaining major colonial powers of the previous 400 years under one banner with Amerika at the helm.
The NATO-Nazi project, originally designed to demolish the USSR and aligned people’s democracies, waged war against the entire planet during the second half of the 20th century. Even after the USSR was destroyed, it continued this strategy and expanded military operations unchecked and unchallenged. NATO and Atlanticism relies on xenophobia and anti-communism to keep the rear guard of its imperialist dictatorship intact. So of course, Russia, China and so on are perpetually caricatured as comic book villains.5
Today, it is completely unacceptable for Western media agencies to negatively cover the post-Maidan Kiev junta and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.6 The “Russian Invasion of Ukraine” is, according to them, a terrible thing because “Putin is the real fascist waging war on Western Democracy.” Parallel lies about “authoritarianism” are repeated about China, Iran etc. This psychological warfare campaign is all-pervasive.
When the FBI, DoD, and State department run all the social media networks, employ all the so-called “fact-checkers”, and staff the news agencies, it's easy to spread any lie they want and write off anything they don't like as "Russian Propaganda".7
Pepe Escobar correctly observes that "western public opinion is absolutely clueless, Plato-cave-style, totally captive to the ruling financial class, who cannot tolerate any alternative narrative."8 Consequently, the republicans and the democrats, the radlib Berniecrats and socdems, the Peace Movement™, the “antifa” anarchists (truly anarcho-Banderites9), the redditors, and most of the Amerikan populace have lined up behind this deeply xenophobic Atlanticism.

Here is the material truth: the sanctions on Russia are absolutely wrecking the economies of the EU.10 The very likely US-perpetuated bombing of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is only one means by which this is occurring11. The sanctions are causing food crises and energy crises for much of the third world (although they blame this, too, on Russia.)12 They are causing great stress on the economy of the United States as well, pushing inflation to record levels13—the US has drained its strategic oil reserves to try and stabilize spiraling energy costs.14 Russia has been largely unaffected by the sanctions because they are de-dollarizing (more on this later).15
Meanwhile, US monopoly capital energy sectors16 and defense sectors17 are raking in billions of dollars. US finance capital is privatizing and buying up everything in the Ukraine.18
During times of economic prosperity, monopoly capital accumulates large profits—and importantly, in times of economic depression, monopolies engage in extremely profitable restructuring schemes. Multinational, imperialist monopoly capital is the material basis for Nazi propaganda and its hybrid warfare campaigns. In the words of Lenin:
“A monopoly, once it is formed and controls thousands of millions [of dollars], inevitably penetrates into every sphere of public life, regardless of the form of government and all other details."
~Vladimir Lenin; Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism Chapter 3

This crucial point must be understood. The United States is a fascist government dictated by the needs and goals of monopoly capital and its super-profits. Everything the US government says and does is on behalf of monopoly capital interests that has no ideology beyond profit, and no single individual or even groups of individuals driving the ship. Many people incorrectly reduce this force to being a couple people in a backroom dictating every single policy. They’ll say it’s “the Jews” (or Jewish bankers) or “the Illuminati”, but those narratives (often purposefully) obfuscate the material force of multinational monopoly capital.
When it comes to monopoly capital and amerikan fascism, ideology doesn't matter. The faces and names don't matter. The Atlanticist war machine moves forward, and any of these ideologies or individuals can be hot-swapped in and out like USB drives.
To borrow a metaphor from Marx, monopoly capitalists are like “a sorcerer who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether-world whom he has called up by his spells.”19 Again we return to George Jackson20:
The psycho-social dimensions of fascism become quite complex, but they can be simplified by thinking of them as part of a collective bargaining process carried on between all the elites of the particular state with the regime acting as arbitrator. The regime’s interests are subject to those of the ruling class. Labor is a partner in this arrangement. At the head of any labor organization in the fascist state, there is an elite which is tied to the interests of the regime—and consequently tied also to the economic status quo.
The trappings of this pseudo mass society are empty, cheap, spectacular leisure sports; parades where strangers meet, shout each other down and often trample each other to death on the way home; mass consumption of worthless super-suds or aspirin; ritualistic, ultra-nationalistic events on days to glorify the idiots who died at war or other days to deify those who sent them out to die, A mass society that is actually a mass jungle.
At its core, fascism is capitalistic and capitalism is international. Beneath its nationalist ideological trappings, fascism is always ultimately an international movement.
Jackson gives many examples of how every development of fascism has always been backed by monopoly capital: Spain, Italy, Germany—and the United States. It would be redundant to outline all of them here.
Importantly for this piece, the fascist, imperialist atlanticist project has been incredibly profitable for monopoly capital. As the USSR was collapsing, the United States and NATO invaded Iraq and set the precedent for the “War on Terror” which would begin 10 years after. In the text Making the World Safe for Capitalism, Chris Doran exposes why the US invasions of Iraq in 1991 and 2003 were driven by monopoly capital’s need to defend economic hegemony and the petrodollar21:
The war has been an extension, and protection, of the same free market neoliberal policies which have driven successive American, British, and Australian governments over the past three decades. It was market access and control of the global economy that motivated the US to invade Iraq, not weapons of mass destruction, or ties to Al Qaeda, or a simplistic desire to seize Iraq’s oil. While consistent with those policies, invasion by military force was also an important—and frightening – new phase of US willingness to guarantee the survival of its global economic hegemony.
Since 1999, NATO (led by the United States) has waged devastating kinetic wars on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and many other countries. Economist Zak Cope points out that all of these crimes have had the effect of maintaining US financial monopoly and funneling extreme profits to the military (including “tech”), energy, and financial sectors of monopoly capital.22
Sanctions and other methods of hybrid warfare serve a similar function. Monopoly capital needed to break up Arab countries with the Arab Spring.23 They need to overthrow Venezuela so they can get market access and stop a regional Bolivarian integration against US neocolonialism. Sanctions against Russia and Iran drive up the cost of energy, leading to further super-profits (among other things). Other forms of protectionism are critical to maintaining the dominance of imperialist monopoly mapital.24
Monopoly capital, as a structural and material force, is driving atlanticism. And it is for that reason that the fascist government of United States of America, regardless of who is “in power”, will follow this genocidal scorched-earth warpath until the very end.

The Isolationist Social Niche
In so-called “opposition” to this atlanticist imperialist narrative, a strange social niche has emerged inside the Core. This is a social niche where self-identified “anti-imperialists” and Marxists are aligning with the Patriotic Socialists/National Socialists, who are aligning with the paleo-conservative far Right.
The paleo-conservatives, libertarians, and MAGA Right
The “Patriotic Socialists”
The “anti-imperialist” Left (where the WWPSLCIA Hydra resides)
These three groups comprise some of the only substantive voices in the United States political terrain who are willing to vocally confront the atlanticist, expansionist policies of the Biden regime and the last 15 years of United States global military aggression (to various degrees).
Don’t believe us? Ask yourself:
Which groups of people inside the US are willing to correctly criticize the recent Amerikan imperialist aggression in
TaiwanChina?Which groups of people inside the US are correctly identifying that the West should never have installed or armed the Nazi regime in Ukraine; that the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine is one of self-defense; that Ukraine cannot win; and that the US should immediately desist all sanctions?
Which groups of people inside the US are correctly criticizing the ongoing US invasion of Syria, US arming of Daesh, and the web of lies the CIA spreads to justify it all?
They all come from a different ideological basis for how they have arrived at their position. Some of them vary on the specifics of each and the degree to which they criticize the US government—but, for the most part, they share a similar position on at least some of these issues.
Many in the US clearly see the Biden regime sending billions of dollars to Ukraine while they cannot afford their groceries and gas bills. The atlanticist narrative is completely and utterly detached from reality and, despite the power of NATO’s information warfare WMD, people are noticing that things don’t line up. However, the only alternative to the atlanticists’ narrative is coming from members of the isolationist social niche. Unsurprisingly, all 3 groups in this niche are deeply aligned with imperialism and fascism. As we shall see, the most visible figures within them are bourgeois opportunists at best, and literal CIA assets at worst. This is not a coincidence.
One of the ways that the Amerikan occupation government deploys Non-linear Information Warfare is by attaching competing narratives to patsies who can be readily dismissed by much of the population.
See Tucker Carlson, whose father was the director of CIA propaganda arm “U.S. Information Agency”25 and who has entertained such interviewee genocidal fantasies as calling for, on-air, “sitting on a throne of Chinese skulls”26. Carlson and Fox News are the only “mainstream” news criticizing the atlanticist policy in Eastern Europe.
Thus, the Biden regime and its mouthpieces can write any criticism off as “Pro-Trump, Russian Propaganda”.27
Within the political landscape of the self-described “Left” in the US, the only groups challenging the atlanticists are “Patriotic Socialists” and controlled opposition CIA Left such as the WWPSLCIA Hydra.
Both of these groups are so visibly reactionary that the remainder of the “Left” can readily dismiss them. This is a psyop to try to unite vulgar 'anti-imperialism' with amerikan reaction— which makes liberal imperialism (anarcho-banderism, marxist 'third campism') “look good” in comparison.
We continue with the next part of the investigation:
For information on the “CIA Left” see our previous investigation
We have examined the role of NGO’s and non-violence/color revolutions here.
US wages global color revolutions to topple govts for the sake of American control
Highly recommended Cuban documentary on social media & information war called "the Dictatorship of the Algorithm" -- English subtitled
NATO: The military arm of American hegemony over the world
A definition of Atlanticism:
After the capture of Berlin by the Soviet army in the Second World War, the Americans tried to dominate all global interactions based on this universalist ideology of liberalism and in order to prove to the Soviets that they were the superpower and that everyone ought to obey them, they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. They took control of all the political-security-military, economic-financial-monetary, and cultural-scientific-social fields and structures of the world through forming institutions such as the United Nations and the Security Council, the World Bank, and The International Monetary Fund, UNESCO, and the Human Rights Commission.
This liberal universalism of the Americans, which was a continuation of the British universalism as the former driving force of a [imperial] liberal civilization, prompted the Americans to force the Western European countries and Canada to follow them based on “Atlanticism” or the belief in a close relationship between western Europe and the United States. Henceforth, the United States completely subjugated them in the Washington Treaty, which forms the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. In other words, the Americans developed and expanded the previous British hegemony with all their might.
We explored this concept here: Psychological Warfare The Strategy of Nazis
A very worthwhile read: Six months into Ukraine’s collapse, the world has changed forever
Anarcho-Banderism is the Synthesis of Amerikan anarchism/antifascism with Banderism anti-communism.
A central component of Banderism—named after Stephan Bandera, founder of OUN-B Ukrainian Nazi organization—is the “double genocide” myth. “fascists claimed to have been caught between Hitler and Stalin—though they presented the Soviets as the greater evil.”
Perpetrators of the holocaust, funded by the CIA, could then position themselves as “antifascist” because they were fighting the USSR.
Today these same Banderites portray Putin as “worse than Hitler” and the western media gobbles it up.
A central component of Anarchism is this sentiment that “All states are bad”—inevitably this gets applied heavily against geopolitical enemies of the NATO—Russia, China, and Iran are “the worst”. Another key component is “All hierarchy is bad” in which anyone not sufficiently anarchist is a “tankie” or “authoritarian” and somehow equivalent to the US policing apparatus.
Anarchists cheer-leading amerikan color revolutions abroad is a common occurrence although they never seem to do much of anything against the state they live in.
Anarcho-Banderism manifests as imperialist “anti-fascists” who raise funds for nazis in Ukraine; recruit foreign mercenaries for US proxy forces in Syria and Ukraine; give free PR to US-backed separatists in China; and celebrate Nazi assassinations of the US’s enemies.
Often times Anarcho-Banderism simply manifests as a both-sides passive endorsement of the status quo: “I hope Azov and Wagner eliminate each other.” This denial of geopolitics and refusal to “take sides” against ‘one’s own’ monopoly capitalist sponsored fascists is fundamentally xenophobic, anti-communist, and a default endorsement of Amerikan/Imperialist militarism. After all there is no “antifa” opposition to the Azov regiment tour of congress, community centers and college campuses.
Domestically, Anarcho-Banderites present Trump and the settler far-right as the “real fascists” while the Biden regime and rest of the occupation government are somehow “less fascist” and sometimes even worth defending (and campaigning for)!
Acceleration in Eurozone Inflation Rate
“US the biggest winner amid world energy chaos” ; https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1274531.shtml
Doran, Christopher; Making the World Safe for Capitalism: How Iraq Threatened the US Economic Empire and Had to be Destroyed; 2012; page 4; full ebook here
Cope, Zak; The wealth of (some) nations : imperialism and the mechanics of value transfer, 2019; Page 212 (Full ebook here)
Amin, Samir; The Long Revolution of the Global South Toward a New Anti-Imperialist International; 2019; Chapter 1 THE ARAB WORLD: Nationalism, Political Islam, and the Predicted Arab Revolutions (full ebook here)
Such absurd articles as New York Times publishing “How the Russian Media Spread False Claims About Ukrainian Nazis” . Or the Associated Press publishing “Russians push baseless theory blaming US for burst pipeline”