Part 2 All Roads Lead to Rome—Part 1 here

Yes, Electoralism is a Distraction
In the amerikan government, there has been overwhelming political support for global sanctions against Russia and Iran and arming the nazis of Ukraine. Even “socialist” Bernard Sanders and supposed Progressives “The Squad” lined up to send billions to Ukraine and slap sanctions on Russia and Iran.1 Multiple executive regimes have held this pattern in succession: the Obama regime supported the 2014 Euromaidan, the Trump regime sent billions of dollars of "aid" to to the Post-maidan Ukraine Junta, and the Biden regime has doubled down, backing sanctions and aid for Ukraine completely.
Nothing changes between “red” or “blue”. The only difference is that as time goes on, fascism has gotten worse. Obama was more fascist than Bush Jr., not because Obama is ideologically “further Right” but because the advancement of fascism is the structural pattern of the country’s foreign and domestic policy. Obama made 10 times more drone strikes, 50% more deportations, and even more foreign intervention than Bush.
Fast forward to today: monopoly capital backs both Trump and Biden -- Democrats and Republicans.2 This is an unspoken reality in the United States.
Why is monopoly capital backing both?
Because neither the Republicans nor the Democrats actually pose any threat to their super-profits. The whole charade and circus does provide an excellent show though. Various subgroups and weaponized diaspora can be pitted against one another and mobilized to defend amerikan exceptionalism. Billions of dollars are circulated through the economy.3
The US liberal media and the US left (that ostensibly care about “human rights”) can scream and cry about “fascist Trump.” However, the crucial components of US fascism and imperialism that benefit monopoly capital have remained the same (or gotten worse) from the Obama to Trump to Biden regimes:
Blockade on Cuba
Sanctions on DPR Korea, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, Russia, China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Hezbollah, the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and many more
Mass detentions and deportations of migrants
Pumping more money into police and prisons—prison slavery
Financing, arming and normalizing “israel”
Occupation of Haiti, Iraq and Syria
Attempts to overthrow Bolivarian republics, and other US enemies
AFRICOM occupation forces in Africa
The siege on Yemen
Ownership of 5 “formal” overseas colonies: Puerto Rico, Guam, “US Virgin Islands”, “American Samoa”, and the Northern Mariana Islands
The list goes on…
The reason why these policies remain the same is because they are extremely profitable and the United States is not a democracy. It is a fascist-imperialist state that, as George Jackson described, is “in power and securely so.” where “dissent may even be allowed."
No elected officials, regardless of party, threaten the structure of monopoly kapital. It is precisely for this reason why the circus of amerikan elections dominates so much of amerikan media and political consciousness. Keep the population focused on Trump’s “antics”, on “gun control,” “abortion,” and “trans rights.”
But no liberal dares asks these questions:
What does it mean to “protect (trans) kids” or “defend women’s rights” when the US is arming fascist-genocidal wahhabist-salafist paramilitaries (like the Islamic State) in over a dozen countries who enslave women and children from Iraq to the Sahel?4
What is “gun control” when the US police force is armed to the teeth and the US war industry exports inconceivable amounts of weapons to nazi regimes like “israel”, Saudi Arabia, and the Ukraine?
The real super-profits come from these kinds of multinational imperialist endeavors. The point we will come to see is that imperialist destruction and looting of the periphery countries is central to the Amerikan way of life.
Rather than take any internationalist position whatsoever, Amerikans can box their politics into being “pro abortion” vs “pro-life”; “pro-lgbt” vs “family values”. It’s like a football game where everyone can pick their sides and root for their team. Nothing changes of course, but the “dissent” keeps people occupied.
Many on the left will repeat the sentiment that elections are not important and that there is no distinction between one candidate and another. They are allowed—encouraged even—to protest, and organize “mutual aid,” and run “teach-ins”, and use the DoD-maintained social media to their heart’s content.
Many of those leftists, especially the anarchist ones, will still repeat the same politics of the state department—including in the shape of commodified memes.

Liberals and the left who renounce electoral politics will still single out Trump, MAGA, and the Alt-Right as the “fascist movement” that will bring about some horrible new era of Amerikan genocide. What they fail to understand is that the psyop of electoralism has two sides. Electoralism not only pacifies the left, but it also pacifies the settler Right. The settler Right has its own class interests that are contradicted by the neocolonial transformations of monopoly capital.
Before we can expand on this point, we first need to clarify some basic components of imperialist economics and value transfer…buckle up.
Unequal Exchange & Labor Aristocracy
One of the major contributions to understanding imperialism is the theory of Unequal Exchange and Value Transfer. Entire books have been written on the concepts so we will only give a *very* brief introduction of the relevant components5:
The imperialist world system is propped up by extreme transfer of value from the periphery (3rd world) into the imperial core (1st world).
The enormous rate of transfer is only made possible by imperialist monopolies and control of global finance.
The periphery is defined by extreme competition of commodity exports with other nations on the periphery (to keep prices low) and having little to no self-sufficiency in any type of tech or other manufacturing that would promote industrialization and development.
Periphery countries are highly dependent on food imports and do not have food sovereignty.
Additionally, countries on the periphery lack their own sovereign financial systems and consequently are totally subjected to external financialization and speculation that is dominated by the west.
The periphery is forced to export more and more artificially cheap goods in order to import artificially expensive technology and manufactured goods from the imperial core. Consequently, a worker in the imperial core is often paid 20-80 times more per hour than a worker in the periphery despite the equivalency of their labor.6
Because of the nature of the system, most of amerikan society is deeply, materially invested in maintaining this parasitic relationship between the United States and the 3rd world. In The Wealth of (Some) Nations, Economist Zak Cope explains that the vast majority of workers in the imperial core actually constitute a labor aristocracy in relation to workers in the rest of the world7:
Capital accumulation under conditions of global monopoly has supplemented incomes in the global North, providing employees there with a share of ‘imperialist rent’ (that is, ‘the above average or extra profits realized as a result of the inequality between North and South in the global capitalist system’). The benefits brought by imperialist rent are, to put it politely, an ‘important factor’ in curbing the internationalism of the populations of the global North.
The world’s most militarist states, those of North America, the United Kingdom and (to a somewhat lesser extent) Western Europe, have citizens who are historically, culturally and sociologically conditioned to support imperialist war as a matter of duty, obedience, patriotism and citizenship. This political acquiescence of the metropolitan working class is facilitated by the imperialist transfer of value.
The amerikan working class has largely been bought off through this process: their wages, livelihood, and indeed entire consumption-based culture necessitates the superwages (wages paid from the under-valued stolen wages from the 3rd world) and subsidized (artificially cheapened) consumer goods they receive. In short, the American Dream is simply about receiving their “fair share” of the imperialist loot8:
As the recipient of value transferred from the underdeveloped countries, the dual class position of the metropolitan working class is reflected in its fundamental acceptance of the imperialist system and its ruling ideologies.
Starbucks and Amazon labor unions are a good example of this. The unionization of some Amazon workers in the United States has become a very public “success for workers” especially after Chris Smalls, a leader of the movement, received endorsements from senator Bernie Sanders and even met with president Joe Biden.

For a movement that claims to be for “ALL AMAZON WORKERS” they demanded nothing for Amazon workers outside of the core.9 In India, Amazon workers are paid an average of $173 a month; 90% of these workers are women.10 When Jeff Bezos agreed to 15$ an hour for US and UK employees, no demands whatsoever were made in the imperial core for third-world laborers.11 Even the CIA Left (WWPSLCIA Hydra12) has jumped on board the Amazon and Starbucks labor union trains.13 Amazon can easily rake in profits while buying off labor in the imperial core with the spoils from the periphery.
Amerikan workers aren’t just receiving super wages, but the imperialist loot is also distributed as artificially cheap consumer goods. Everything from bananas to Playstations are pumped full of stolen value from underpaid workers in the periphery.14 This doesn’t even include the various social services and government subsidies financed with stolen wealth. This reality is unspeakable among the “left” of the imperial core because it implicates the vast majority of the “working class” within it.
Even workers in the United States who work under objectionable conditions are benefiting from the global imperialist economy. This is the main reason why, as a class, they have no genuine internationalism with the global south. It is also the reason why isolationism and so-called anti-imperialism inside the United States, as political ideology, are strictly limited to achieving gains for those inside the United States. They “oppose” NATO expansionism only insofar as it is affecting their own pocketbooks.
One of the shortcomings of texts on the mechanics of Imperialist value transfer is a lack of analysis into the racialized distribution of wealth in the imperial core. Even so, a breakdown of income distribution by race shows that most Amerikans of every race are still benefiting from this dynamic. The comparison below is rough but gets the point across.15

The only classes in the United States of Amerika who could truly be understood as proletarian — in a global context— are prison slaves and undocumented migrant workers.16 Both are under extreme state repression and have limited opportunities for genuine inter/nationalist mass movements.
Obviously, economics does not account for all the sociological factors that define class interests. The poorest New Afrikans and Natives, slated for genocide, have historically constituted revolutionary classes whose interests are opposed to imperialism. However, the era of the 60’s is long gone and the inter/nationalism of a genuinely anti-imperialist New Afrikan movement has been completely captured (we will return to this in more depth shortly).
Importantly, the various groups in the isolationist social niche of the United States are not comprised of the proletariat or the revolutionary classes. The isolationists are fully and completely bonded to imperialism and its global looting.
The Crisis of Imperialism & Profitability
Since the 1980’s and especially since the 2007 Great Recession, the share of the spoils distributed to the Amerikan labor aristocracy has been in decline. Inequality is up, homelessness is up, and the artificially cheapened consumer goods are no longer as cheap as they used to be.17 Importantly, the share of global wealth that the imperial core citizens receive is shrinking for a variety of reasons.
Cope, Amin, and Smith explain this much more in depth but we will try to synthesize some basic components. One of the crises of capitalism is the conflict between wages and profit. Capitalists keep wages as low as possible in order to maximize profits. But if wages in the consumer countries (imperial core) are too low then they also limit profits because “wages represent a considerable part of the effective demand required to yield profit from sales.”18
To resolve this problem, imperialism does two major things:
Offshore manufacturing and similar jobs to the periphery and semi-periphery where labor is significantly cheaper.
Create entire sectors of relatively well-paid non-productive labor forces in the Imperial Core that can be easily replaced or eliminated as necessary.19
This process began in the 70’s and 80’s and has reached a point where over 80% of the Amerikan workforce is in a service industry.20 Service workers generally do not contribute surplus-value (the difference between the value of the workers’ wages and the value-added to the final product) for their employers. Service work primarily functions as middle men in the greater scheme of concentration of capital. For example, a retail employee doesn’t produce anything or add any value to products that are being sold. They simply “circulate” the goods so that capital can realize profits.
The wages for service workers are just part of the surplus-value that monopoly capital pays as a fee to circulate. On a macro-economic scale, the primary function of much of the labor aristocracy in the imperial core now is simply as a market demand for goods and commodities produced (or extracted) in the periphery.
While this point is not mentioned in the literature, we note that offshoring is not just of labor but also offshoring Class Struggle and potential for revolution. Outsourcing restructures domestic class society around recirculating capital & realization of profits. When the labor aristocracy is employed primarily in service industry rather than production, it is impossible for labor to “seize the means of production” and threaten the system as a whole. Thus the only remaining laborers inside the core whose organized demands could threaten the entire system are employed as longshoremen or truckers who are paid extremely well.
In a country like the United States, with a long history of colonial domination, this strategy further disempowers oppressed peoples—particularly New Afrikans—from disrupting imperialism. They offshore the means of class struggle into the periphery where neocolonialist compradors can repress workers in extreme ways that would be unacceptable in the imperial core.
Returning to the economic restructuring generally21:
Globalization on such terms has tended to deflate the value of labor-power relative to capital in every country, forcing precarious conditions upon all but the most skilled and in-demand sections of the workforce. As a result, rising underemployment, stagnating wage rates and deteriorating working conditions may be observed in the richest countries, though to a much lesser extent than in the poorest countries.
More and more industries, work, and life in the imperial core has become either finance, proletarianizing service industry (especially the gig economy), migrant labor, prison slavery, or military-industry (tech). Significantly more of the unequal value transfer (stolen wealth) is being done through financial means and speculation that bypasses the need for a service sector to circulate capital.
This contradiction reached a pinnacle in 2007 and will only continue to exacerbate as the petrodollar and other mechanisms of the US financial capital monopoly decline. In simpler terms: the total (absolute) ‘pie’ of stolen wealth transferred to the imperial core is getting smaller. Monopoly Capital will not accept a smaller slice of that pie (less profit) so it begins limiting some of that pie (superwages) distributed to the labor aristocracy. Because of the aforementioned offshoring, many jobs in the imperial core are irrelevant to the production and concentration of capital, hence they are easy to eliminate.
When wages decline and life becomes more precarious for larger sections of the labor aristocracy, those declassed sections become restless. Fascist-imperialist governments and the monopoly capital that backs them are forced to find new ways of counterinsurgency.
The “Crisis of Settlerism” — AKA why are the white people so angry?
In order to understand the settler Right and consequently the “Right-wing” of the isolationist social niche we must first understand the primary contradictions motivating the militant settler-Right.
Imperial Subsidies
When the first colonizers arrived in the Western Hemisphere they needed to create racial hierarchy in order to maintain an occupation garrison that could hold down the territory from counter-attack by Natives and Slaves. Euro-amerikans from France, England, Germany, etc. —who had long fought amongst each other—together became “white”. For hundreds of years, they were bribed with the extreme economic and cultural benefits exclusive to this new settler race-class. (This was the original labor aristocracy and they still receive the most benefits.) Amerika was then forged as a white settler nation so that colonial capitalism could maximally exploit the land and the imported slave labor.
Settlers and other Europeans were the first manifestation of the present labour aristocracy we explored above. Night-Vision explains22:
The crisis [of settlerism] at their own center comes dialectically out of their triumph. Out of world domination, a super-parasitism developed that made euro-amerikans, and especially white men, the least productive and most highly subsidized people since the fall of Rome. Even world looting by capitalism can no longer afford to keep subsidizing close to 200 million euro-amerikans in the old way.
White reformers may dream of a Scandinavian-style welfare state, but the u.s. already has a welfare state: a settler welfare state oriented not toward social services but toward subsiding high white individual income. This has been the basis of the whole white culture … What’s intensifying the contradiction tearing settlerism apart is that most white people left production behind them, and no longer expect to do the hard, basic work of society. Here is hubris, the arrogant demands of a master race pushing itself over the edge.
Just as neocolonialism has reconstructed the oppressed nations, it has also reconstructed the settler nation. The settler nation and its culture is far too expensive and unprofitable. Especially with the crisis of profitability it is no longer possible or relevant to subsidize them as much. As a long-term trend, Monopoly capital is cutting those subsidies, and settlers are forced to work or find new ways to pillage on their own. The settlers want their imperial subsidies back.

In the current advanced stage of amerikan fascism and neocolonialism—where capitalist compradors from every race and nation will happily assimilate in order to exploit their own—the settler garrison is increasingly unnecessary. In fact, using capitalists from oppressed subgroups is a far more effective and profitable method of containing the threats they may pose to the occupation government and monopoly capital. It needs Black Capitalists and Black Police and Black Celebrities to better suppress and genocide New Afrikans. It needs LGBT Icons and Women CEO’s and Latino Politicians. It also needs “intersectional feminist” CIA agents.
Every unique minority and sub-group can be an "American" now! The CIA and DoD can finance a Black Panther superhero movie, in which the CIA helps save an African nation, and the amerikan media hail it as “revolutionary”.23 Night-Vision describes this “multi-cultural” transformation24:
Trans-national capitalism is driving a certain kind of breakthrough idea, a “multicultural” worldview in which each people and grouping is freed and encouraged to explore its own capitalist agenda no matter what form it takes.
Today, the overt racism and sexism of the colonial era is less profitable. Neo-colonialism needs “civil rights” and a restructuring of the cultural framework inside the core so that compradors have an easier time assimilating as parasites into the imperialist structure. Importantly, by building up an image of being “progressive” on “civil rights”, the nazi government can more effectively psyop amerikan liberals of all races against the foreign barbarians who hate “civil liberties” as such.25
However, the settler Right cannot tolerate multiculturalism, nor can they tolerate losing their extreme subsidy package. Their settler race-class position no longer guarantees them the same kinds of access to imperialist stolen wealth that they have had for generations. This contradiction, not mere “white supremacy”, is why they are fighting back.
MAGA— “The Real Fascists”
Because of their Class Interests, the hardcore settler Right—which comprises the base of the settler nation—have the potential to disrupt the wheels of monopoly capital and its multicultural de-settlerization process. While they often refer to their “big bad” as “globalists” or manufacture conspiracies like “the great reset”, they recognize that the current trend doesn’t look good for them. Importantly, they also have a lot of guns.26
They won’t completely destroy the government though, they Need the occupation government—it is the material basis of the settler nation. Thus, the monopoly kapitalists and DoD have manufactured a simple strategy to keep them occupied: controlled opposition. An exceptionally comprehensive article on the origins of the Alt-Right exposes the lineage of the modern #MAGA movement27:
"the alt right, and indeed the far right in general, can be largely attributed to groups deliberately created by the intelligence services. While there may be very many ‘organic’ far right groups, certainly we can say the most influential are those which have the backing of various intelligence services and capital interests."
The recent overturning of Roe v Wade serves as a powerful example underpinning this psyop. The hardcore Euro-Amerikan settlers now see that electoralism and the judiciary can be a way forward in their fight to reclaim “their country”. This has also mobilized the Multicultural movement in support of electoralism— “only democrats can save women’s rights!”
With this understanding we can draw a few conclusions about this function of the Alt-Right, the paleocons, and their various offshoots:
The movement has been extremely effective at mobilizing the base of the settler nation to fight “at the polls” in defense of the deified Trump.
For the purposes of monopoly kapital, there is no distinction whatsoever between the Obama, Trump, and Biden regimes. Mobilizing disaffected settlers in support of Trump and Right-electoralism placates their fear of de-settlerization.
The liberals, “antifascists”, and centrists can all point to Trump and the Alt-Right as “the real fascists”.28
2016 saw the #Resist movement and rise of “Solidarity” non-profit industry:
Additionally normalization of the Antifa industry (both “violent” and “nonviolent”), injected with anarcho-Banderism, anti-communism, and anti-Blackness.
Biden created quite a buzz when he referred to Trump and MAGA as “semi-fascist”29.
Democrats pushed this strategy to the extreme by manufacturing “Russia-gate”; creating a lie linking Trump to Putin so they could kill two birds with one stone30.
Enabling mass-shooters and terrorists (who are very often seeded by intelligence agencies31).
Hardcore settlers who crave blood are directed towards ‘disposable’ people, rather than the state.
These settlers often target Black and third world people’s. They are re-enacting the original white cultural bonding event in amerika: pilgrims forming death squads to hunt down Natives.32
They can terrorize entire communities in ways that the neo-colonial occupation can no-longer afford to do overtly.
Victims and citizenry are re-directed towards the police and the state to “protect them” from terrorism. Either through gun control legislation or “red flag laws” that always lead to greater funding for the military-police apparatus.33
Because the settler Right are the most visible political movement, an incredible amount of social energy can be channeled into maintaining or opposing them. This force effectively muscles out the social contradictions that would otherwise mobilize.
Solidarity #Resist
Following the 2016 presidential election there was an enormous growth of “solidarity” and “social justice” NGO’s.34 These organizations unsurprisingly were financed by monopoly capital. Examples here:
Ford Foundation committed $100 million to the "Movement for Black Lives" in 2016.35
Jeff Bezos committing $12 million to “NDN Collective” an organization ostensibly representing Natives (in the US).36
The NGO's thrive on multiculturalism and normalized many liberal talking points such as calling Trump a racist and a fascist.
We completely dismiss the assessment that a Trump regime or Republican regime is any more or less fascist than a Democrat regime. And calling Trump or Biden or the amerikan occupation government “racist” is about as meaningless as calling a plantation owner or a pilgrim racist. Sure, they may believe in their own racial superiority, but their Function is to maintain a system of colonial (and neo-colonial) race-class relationships that extracts maximum super-profits from the colonies (and neo-colonies). This is something all those who have been assimilated into the Amerikan project have in common.
These NGO’s focus on “racism” and “white privilege” to disguise colonial oppression and to normalize the democratic party. The NGO's and #resist "leftist organizations," the opportunists, and the CIA Left effectively work together to box out any legitimate anti-imperialist organizing. Consequently, those tiny groups with genuinely anti-imperialist orientation are forced to compete with each other to maintain relevance and extremely limited access to funding. Monopoly capital is quite content to let the ants fight it out…
#Resist: A multicultural color rev
When the US government wants to overthrow an enemy state using a color revolution they spend billions of dollars.37 The movement begins non-violent and then escalates into violent attacks as the CIA ops carry out their playbook.38 They only succeed because of the United States financial, logistic, and political support.39
The protest movements inside the United States behave quite the opposite. They may begin “violent” but are quickly quelled and corralled into non-violent chanting. The demands are never for overthrow of the government.
The counterinsurgency network of NGO's is a primary reason why the George Floyd Riots of 2020, (which looked suspiciously similar to color revolution technologies40) accomplished nothing in regards to materially improving the lives of Black people in the US or the world.41
Multiculturalism has warped Black liberation into a collective begging to be given the same benefits of imperial looting as the settlers receive. How else are we to understand campaigns to “eliminate racial inequalities” and “end discrimination”?
Multiculturalism is not a gift, it is a curse — a deliberate tool of Amerikan MindWar counterinsurgency.42
The culmination of all of this is a whole host of nonprofits, political parties, and civil rights organizations representing every different grouping of race/class/gender in the United States. This encompasses the “Left” and the “Right” of the amerikan political topography. Each one appeals to the base class interests of maintaining imperialist rents. Every organization is thus able to call their “opponents” in the football circus of US politics a “fascist” and the irony is that they are all correct.
With ALL of this understanding we can finally move into the first group of isolationists… (part 3 upcoming)
$40 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill H.R. 7691: House Vote Record; Senate Vote Record
“The 2020 US election campaigns smashed all records - with presidential and congressional candidates spending a total of almost $14bn” US election 2020: How much did it cost and who paid for it?
For 18 months, as ISIS advanced, the US did nothing to stop them
police and customs of the Central African Republic detained three trucks at the border with Cameroon . The trucks carried containers containing ammunition and grenades. "In the accompanying documents, in order to avoid inspection by law enforcement agencies of the Central African Republic, the French Embassy was indicated as the recipient , however, judging by the contents of the cargo, the real recipient was different.
Mali accuses France of arming jihadists
For those who prefer a video, this is a pretty good introduction even though we do not endorse the creator in any way: How Rich Countries Rob The Poor; The Failure of Social Democracy
For a written overview: An Overview of Theories of Unequal Exchange by Amal Samaha
Amin, Samir. The Law of Worldwide Value; 2010 (full ebook here)
Cope, Zak; Divided World Divided Class; 2012 (full ebook here)
Cope, Zak; The Wealth of (Some) Nations: Imperialism and the Mechanics of Value Transfer; 2019 (full ebook here)
Li, Minqi; Profit, accumulation, and crisis in capitalism : long-term trends in the UK, US, Japan, and China, 1855-2018; 2020; (full ebook here)
Smith, John; Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis; 2016 (full Ebook here)
For more on this see Smith Chapter 6
Cope; 2019; page 9-10
ibid. Page 10
Jeb Sprague and Sreerekha Sathi; Transnational Amazon: Labor Exploitation and the Rise of E-Commerce in South Asia;
More data on this can be examined here: Gallup Worldwide, Median Household Income
Proletarian in the Marxist sense of “possessing nothing but their own labour-power”.
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, at
And in J. Sakai’s definition from Settlers:
For us the proletariat is the lowest, most oppressed and most exploited working class. It is a revolutionary class, a class in the epoch of imperialism whose interests are tied to socialism. We must recognize that imperialism has created, particularly in the oppressor nations, many wage workers who are in no way proletarian.
Cope; 2019; Page 12
Non-productive here is not a judgement—it simply means not producing surplus value.
Cope; 2019; Page 32
Lee and Rover; Night-Vision: Illuminating War and Class on Neo-colonial terrain; 1995; Chapter 7; Full ebook here
Lee and Rover; 1995; chapter 7
This article draws a number of conclusions that we disagree with, however the evidence is mostly good and it slogs out a number of important connections: The Truth About The Alt-Right: A Destruction by Facts and Logic
More complete quote:
”To conclude, I now feel assured in making several claims. I believe I have shown that very many of the biggest media influences on the Alt Right are steeped in intelligence connections and are funded by the interests of capital. Tommy Robinson for example, being funded by various Zionist think tanks, or Alex Jones’s with his CIA family becoming a shill for the US president while downplaying the actions of the CIA, or Steve Bannon having formerly worked for Goldman Sachs as an investment banker, or how Mike Cernovich was close personal friends with Alan Dershowitz, or how Jack Posobiec was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, much like Rushan Abbas, who pretended to be a Uighur on Reddit.
I believe I have also shown the alt-right was in no way an organic movement. I believe I have shown that all of the alt rights most notorious channels, 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit, have all been the target of manipulation by intelligence agencies, such as those operating out of Eglin Airforce base. I believe I have possibly shed light on the intentions behind that manipulation, such as in the case of Rushan Abbas, or in the creation of Neo Nazi groups which attack minorities and the left, such as The Base.
I believe I have also shown much of the ideological material shared by those on the alt right and far right in general has its origins in intelligence or capital, such as the fact that William Luther Peirce worked for Pratt and Witney, the Raytheon subsidiary or Julius Evola’s connections to Operation Gladio, or David Myatt’s connection to operation Gladio, or the fact that Wikileaks have deemed Qanon, the foremost far right conspiracy theory, an intelligence operation, or that the ‘meme magic’ of the Donald Trump campaign was in fact paid meme factories in eastern Europe under the eye of Jim Dowson.
What I think all of these individual facts prove, when taken together, is that the alt right, and indeed the far right in general, can be largely attributed to groups deliberately created by the intelligence services. While their may be very many ‘organic’ far right groups, certainly we can say the most influential are those which have the backing of various intelligence services and capital interests. On top of this, of these ‘organic’ groups, much of the ideological material they draw from was created by these larger more influential groups. The exact purpose of intelligence and capital involvement in these groups we cannot say, but if we look at their actions, which usually involves attacking racial minorities and the left, or perceived allies of the left, and we look at why the CIA itself was created in the first place, in order to combat communism, we might have a good guess.”
On Russia, Today’s Liberal Luminaries Take Their Cues From Fascists
Trump makes the ruling class look bad by saying what they’re doing with some of the niceties and euphemisms removed. Trump declared that he would build a border wall at a major campaign event, whereas Obama waited for smaller events like a 2011 speech in El Paso to boast that “the fence [along the Mexican border] is now basically complete,” and “we have gone above and beyond what was requested by the…Republicans.” Where Trump bragged that he would approve murdering the family members of accused terrorists, it fell to press secretary Robert Gibbs to say that Obama felt no remorse for murdering the family members of accused terrorists. Of course, many of the differences were no differences at all, like how both Trump and Obama claim that white racists are equivalent to anti-racist radicals.
The current campaign has been useful for rehabilitating seemingly every member of the power elite, and every ruling class institution, that isn’t directly connected to the Trump administration or the Breitbart network. The non-stop cavalcade of Trump horrors on the news, coupled with Trump’s high-profile antipathy to the media, has made Americans who pay attention to these things “increasingly confident in the news media,” according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. Media celebrities who comprised the “far-right” during the Tea Party’s heyday get to be rehabilitated as reasonable centrists as long as they say that Trump and the alt-right go too far. Trump essentially wiped not only Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s slates clean, he has rescued the reputations of even the Bush junta, from George W. to John Yoo.
Crucial article on this: On Russia, Today’s Liberal Luminaries Take Their Cues From Fascists
If seeing the world as a product of racist conspiracy theories is the hallmark of fascist thinking, then the mainstream liberal resistance is undoubtedly fascist in content. Hillary Clinton was beta-testing the theory that The Russians are behind all her woes as early as 2014, back when she was claiming that the Kremlin secretly backed the anti-fracking movement (Clinton was, of course, a fracking advocate).
After the election, the Russian-hacking op was spun-up in full, and people have been subjected to a deafening propaganda onslaught every hour of every day. The only propaganda operations that have been this loud this century are the response to 9/11, the drive to invade Iraq, and Obamania (Russian election hacking—from the folks who brought you Iraq’s WMDs!™). It’s hard to calculate all the frauds, speciously sourced claims, and quickly forgotten accusations that fall by the wayside which have been generated by this campaign (though Robert Parry has written a great deal of good material).
Since Russian forces entered Crimea back in 2014, it’s hard to think of some bourgeois anxiety that hasn’t been blamed on the Russian government. The Russian state has been cast with seemingly omnipotent sway over the imaginations of gullible Westerners, and any skepticism towards the State Department line is treated as the result of Kremlin brainwashing.
At the Bleeding Edge of American Fascism:
“The material reality of mass shootings-that many of are created by the State in one way or another, that all of them are the result of underlying American morality and the material needs of its bourgeoisie—is practically never examined in the aftermath of these spectacular rituals of nihilistic violence. Instead, anger and anxiety over the police state that is made clearer than ever in the aftermath of a mass shooting is redirected into endless contrived debates over two contrived sides of a phony political debate.”
Dubar-Ortiz, Roxanne; 2018; Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment; Chapter 2; Full text available here
What distinguishes the U.S. experience is not the amount or type of violence involved, but rather the historical narratives attached to that violence and their political uses, even today. From the first settlement, appropriating land from its stewards became a racialized war, “civilization” against “savagery,” and thereby was inherently genocidal.
In the words of historian Richard Slotkin, “‘Savage war’ was distinguished from ‘civilized warfare’ in its lack of limitations on the extent of violence, and of laws for its application. The doctrine of ‘savage war’ depended on the belief that certain races are inherently disposed to cruel and atrocious violence. Similar assumptions had often operated in the wars of Christian or crusading states against the Muslims in Europe and the Holy Land, and massacre had often enough accompanied such wars.”
Military historian John Grenier offers an indispensable analysis of the white colonists’ warfare against the Indigenous peoples of North America. The way of war largely devised and enacted by settlers formed the basis for the founding ideology and colonialist military strategy of the independent United States, and this approach to war is still being practiced almost as a reflex in the twenty-first century.
Interestingly, one of the only decent criticisms of Biden’s recent “bipartisan gun control bill” was the settler libertarian right: The Bipartisan Senate Gun Control Bill Would Unjustly Deprive Americans of Their Second Amendment Rights
Imperialist source with humorous conclusions: Why Trump’s Election Was a Financial Boon for Some Nonprofits
ActBlue Charities is one of the Democratic Party financial tools that also funds many “independent” non-profits
A more comprehensive investigation of Black Lives Matter connections to monopoly capital can be found here: “"Black Anonymous" investigation into BLM”
For her part, Nuland passed out cookies to anti-Yanukovych demonstrators at the Maidan square, reminded Ukrainian business leaders that the U.S. had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations,”
“Color Revolution” in Hong Kong and U.S. “Hybrid War” against China
With strong media and network technologies as well as a large number of advanced think tanks and well-trained strategists, the US is capable of broadly collecting and analyzing social and demographic data, expertly setting political jargons, utilizing sophisticated mass psychology control technologies, infecting the masses with anti-government thinking, and creating a “hive mind” via social media networks. Such a “hive mind” may make its members assemble orderly in an apparently chaotic manner, openly confront and attack the government, paralyze it, and finally take over political power and control society.
Note the NED endorsing the protests:
CIA at Harvard endorsing the protests: "The Time Is Now: Connecting Euromaidan and Black Lives Matter"
“Chuang Collective” (NED related organization) promoting “alliance” between George Floyd protests and CIA op Hong Kongers: “Welcome to the Frontlines: Beyond Violence and Nonviolence”
For those who believe otherwise we have 2 questions:
How has the 2020 riots materially improved the lives of Black people over the last 2 years?
What was the politico-military strategy behind it, why didn’t one emerge?
"Mindwar is the deliberate aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war."